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Back to school organising
A new year has begun and the kids are back to school. And you know what that means: new uniforms, new sports equipment, new stationary...

Valentines Day isn't just for couples
Valentine’s Day isn't just for couples: all loving relationships strengthen your mental wellbeing. And medical researchers from the Mayo...

Say hello with a smile
When you are out and about today say hello with a smile to everyone you meet. Aim for at least 10 a day. You will be surprised how good...

Thought for the day
Sometimes success is better measured in smiles received, giggles heard, and hands held, than in dollars earned, deadlines met, and kilos...

Take daily risks and try something new
Take daily risks. Structure and routine are important but you may get stuck in a rut and that means you’re not growing. So try talking to...

Hop on your bike!
When was the last time you rode a bicycle? Not only is it a great form of exercise but you can explore so much more of your neighbourhood...

Try a Bars session for depression and anxiety
As a Bars practitioner at the Wellness Centre Port Stephens I found this scientific paper on depression and anxiety to be extremely...

Mindful walking
Mindfulness Monday: whatever you do for a living, try some mindful walking at work tomorrow. Bring your attention to how the ground feels...

Positivity is a choice. Train your mind to see the good in everything.

Send a postcard to a loved one
Sending a postcard to a loved one shouldn't just be for when you are on holiday. Why not send one of your home town to let them know you...
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