Dates to come
Our sessions are designed to fit into your busy lifestyle, so relax and enjoy:
​These workshops will help you to:
Save money
Increase your energy
Give you more time
Give you more focus
Reduce your stress
Give you more freedom to purse the things in life you want to do
Decluttering and organising takes time, mental effort, hard work and talking it through. There are lots of emotions wrapped up in our stuff. and sometimes you need more help than just reading a "how to" book - you need a community!
Tips & tools to make decluttering easy
Tips & tools for organising that work for YOU
Tips & tools to style your home
on a budget -
Strategies to declutter & calm
your busy brain
Workshops include refreshments and reference materials to take home.
So if you would like harmony in your home once more – join us for the Declutter Your Life workshop.
Declutter Your Home!
Declutter Your Life!

Dates to come
Our sessions are designed to fit into your busy lifestyle, so relax and enjoy:
Are you being posted out?
Are you stressed with all the things that need doing?
Are you nervous about finding work and making connections?
Is your partner being deployed?
Then this workshop may help ease your worries.
I am a Defence spouse of over 30 years and have moved twelve times with two overseas postings and a partner who has been deployed four times.
Between the decluttering, packing, unpacking, settling the kids, making connections, finding work and embracing your new location it can be a very stressful but exciting time. ​
Wellbeing for Defence
Families on the Move!

Dates to come
Our sessions are designed to fit into your busy lifestyle, so relax and enjoy:
The silly season is a time of celebration and family fun BUT:
Are you sick of being stressed?
Tired of never having any time?
Bored with always being busy?
Or over being overwhelmed?
Then you need a little time out!
This workshop will give you tips and tools to sail through the silly season with ease. Start with small changes! Warm up to a new life with lots of little actions that expand your horizons, increase your energy, spur your creativity and create habits that will work for you and your business.​
Wellbeing for a
Wonderful New Year!